UTM Coordinate Converter is intended to convert between different types of coordinate formats. In this respect, it supports Universal Tranverse Mercator (UTM), decimal degrees, degree minutes and degree minutes second formats.
The program has an easy-to-use interface. There is a map, which you can scroll and zoom to the desired level. It will also show a marker pointing to the coordinates you enter. Maps can be downloaded from different Internet sources, including carto light, carto dark, stamen terrain and stamen toner. This means that you need a working Internet connection to see the map.
On the left, there is the panel to perform the conversions. It has four different collapsible sections corresponding to the coordinate formats supported. In this regard, you should only provide the source coordinates and press the Convert button. The marker then moves to the corresponding position on the map. At this point, you can simply copy the coordinates in any of the other three target formats to the clipboard. Luckily, it is possible to enter a new coordinate by directly clicking on a spot on the map.
One of the major adjustments you can make is to use different geographic reference points. Various datums are supported, including NAD83/WGS84, GRS80, WGS72, NAD27, GDA94, AGD84, ED50, OSGN36, Krasovsky 1940 and Everest 1830.
All in all, UTM Coordinate Converter can meet most of your needs related to converting between coordinate formats. However, it could be improved in many ways. First, there is no help documentation available whatsoever. Second, it does not support processing batches of coordinate values. Finally, it does not keep a history of previously entered coordinates.
The product is free to use. Moreover, you should know that, if you only intend to use it casually, it is probably a better idea to take advantage of any of the multiple online coordinate converters.